At Den Berk Délice, we want to produce the tastiest tomatoes every day. Health and quality are central to our efforts. We strive for sustainable partnerships. As a company, we want to continue innovating and setting ourselves apart to remain strong in today's market and tomorrow's.

Would you like to help us achieve this mission?

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Why working at Den Berk Délice?


We encourage our employees to grow within our company. From Den Berk Délice, we invest in both internal and external training. We work together with fellow companies to inspire each other and be able to learn from each other, and also within the team we encourage learning from each other by meeting regularly.

The market keeps changing and we also keep growing as a company, which always gives new opportunities for you and for us. We are always looking for innovations to differentiate ourselves and optimization to improve ourselves. For example, we invest annually in testing more than 100 different tomato varieties and using proprietary data, we investigate the effect of environmental factors on the growth of our plants.


We have a young team and within the whole team there is a fun, open atmosphere! Activities are regularly organized from within the company as well as among the colleagues, which only enhance the team atmosphere even more.

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Why do I love working here? We work in a great team with the right mindset. Thanks to the healthy atmosphere, young people can grow quickly here in the short term. - Raf, Engineering Manager, has been working at Den Berk Délice since 2015


At Den Berk Délice, we aim to be the market leader in flavorful tomatoes. As Sven Nys once said here, "A company is like top-level sports. If you want to be the best, you have to train for it every day. A strong team leads to strong results." We want to be the best, and we can't achieve that with half-hearted effort. We work here with people who have a passion for their craft, working together as a team every day to deliver top results for our customers.

What makes my work here so fascinating? The company and the market are constantly evolving, which means there are always challenges to do better. - Loes, Sales & Marketing Manager, has been working at Den Berk Délice since 2016

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The provision of this personal data is therefore a necessary condition to complete the application process.

When collecting and processing your personal data, we always comply with the regulations on the protection of personal data as well as the General Data Protection Regulation ("AVG" or GDPR).

For more information on how we process your personal data, we would like to refer you to our privacy policy.

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